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A decision support model for weekly operation of hydrothermal systems by stochastic nonlinear optimization

A. Ramos, S. Cerisola, J.M. Latorre, R. Bellido, A. Perea, E. López Rodríguez

In the book Stochastic optimization methods in finance and energy

Springer, Berlin, Germany

Editors: Bertocchi, M.; Consigli, G.; Dempster, M.A.H.

ISBN: 978-1441995858

DOI: DOI icon https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-9586-5_7

Published: 2011

A. Ramos, S. Cerisola, J.M. Latorre, R. Bellido, A. Perea, E. López Rodríguez, A decision support model for weekly operation of hydrothermal systems by stochastic nonlinear optimization, in Stochastic optimization methods in finance and energy. Editors Bertocchi, M.; Consigli, G.; Dempster, M.A.H.. Ed. Springer. Berlin, Germany, 2011.

    Research topics:
  • *Medium-Term Tactical Planning


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